Food is, of course, essential for survival. Food considerations for emergency and survival involves different considerations
Calories – The idea is not to lose weight or go on a diet, but can be the very opposite. The idea is to have enough calories - along with other nutritional needs.
Variety & Nutrition– It is still important to seek to have a variety of foods, proteins, carbohydrates, plant foods, fat, etc. – and Vitamins to help provide what’s missing.
Storage & Shelf Life – An added key is that food used in storage must last for a good period of time. Some key food types that fulfill this requirement are:
Dry or Dried Foods: Example: Various Powdered food, Grains, Crackers, etc.
Canned Foods: Example: Canned Vegetables, Canned Fruits, Canned Meats
Dried Foods Specifically Prepared for Survival are produced by many companies - Example: Survival Packaged Foods (can be found on the Internet)
Foods which by nature or other preparation are long lasting – Example: Honey, Preserves, etc.
(Water storage goes without saying (See Prep Sheet #1))
Below are some key foods to be considered in preparation:
Dehydrated Powdered Milk – To provide protein and other nutrients
Dehydrated Eggs – For protein and other nutrients
Dehydrated Whey – Protein
Powdered Soups – Need heated water
Coffee, Tea (for those who regularly drink these) - Need heated water
Peanut Butter, or other Nut Butters –One of the “richest” foods for survival
Nuts, Seeds – Fat dense
Honey – A natural sweetener with extended shelf life
Preserves, Jellies, James, etc
Vitamins – All the more important to get essential nutrients in such times
Apple Cider Vinegar – Multi purpose
Baking Soda - Multipurpose
Flour, Wheat or Other – If can cook with it
Canned and Dehydrated Meats – From Tuna, Salmon, Chicken, Beef, Fish
Oils, Olive Oil, Canola Oil, etc - For cooking, and for fat content
Dried Rice – Very practical, but need a source to heat it in water
Dried Pasta – Very practical, but need source to heat in water
Other Dried Foods in Supermarkets (where add water) – Mash Potatoes, Potato Flakes AuGratin, Etc. & similar foods as these are dried and just need water
Plant Protein Powders – Available online and at health or vitamin stores
Protein Bars
Protein Drinks – Available in powdered form
Vegetable powder – To help make up for loss of vegetable sources
Canned Fruit – Can opener
Canned Vegetables – Can opener
Canned Soups – Needs can opener and a heat source
Cereals (Shredded Wheat, Corn, Rice, etc.)
Spices and herbs
Crackers, Chips, Matzah, etc.
Comfort food – Is recommended – not for survival, but comfort in such times
*Note: Since some of the above requires a heating source/element, see Prep Sheet on Energy, Power, Heat, and Light
*Note: Some use an alternate or supplemental approach – planting food, garden, sprouting, etc. Of course this is not as practical for all.
*Note: On Prepared Packaged Emergency Foods – Many companies can be found that provide prepared packaged emergency foods, in packets, contained in buckets – Some do so for as low as $1 for 265 calories. Many offer wide varieties of food – and shelf life of around 20 years.
STILL TO COME: Energy, Power, Light, & Heat - Other Key Things: Computer, Data, Communication - Keys Concerning the Financial Realm
* NOTE & DISCLAIMER– This sheet is just a guide to give keys to help as best we can – gathered from various sources (concerning which and concerning the facts therein we are in no position to verify) – It is not to be taken as authoritative, exhaustive, or complete, or containing every detail needed even concerning the steps or facts outlined – And there could be errors. The reader takes full responsibility to investigate, verify, check all information for his or herself, and proceed accordingly and is responsible for the results and any risk or consequence involved.