Shalom! Here's the latest series of Jonathan's guest appearance on the Jim Bakker show. In this series Jonathan talks about the Harbinger Man documentary, how the Harbingers are still manifesting, and the prophetic
end time mystery of Hanukkah! Here is Day 1. God bless!
As if headlines of war, plane crashes and natural disasters are not enough, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn says the other sign of judgment in the last days is upon us.
Cahn then recites the prophecy of Isaiah: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil."
At the same time America is "racing" into apostasy, Cahn says, the country is targeting Christians.
Look at Joe Kennedy, who was suspended from his football coaching position for praying on the 50-yard line.
Then there's Kim Davis, who claimed "God's authority" when denying same-sex marriage licenses.
Consider Aaron and Melissa Klein, among others, who have been the subject of a lawsuit for refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding ceremony.
"We're hearing more stories we've never heard before, trying to force Christians to basically take part in abomination," Cahn says.
Watch the video to see what he believes is to come.
Shalom! Here's the link to watch Jonathan's sermon at this years CAP 2015 Conference~ Lo que Dios está Diciendo Ahora / What God Is Saying Now. The Sermon is in full English but also translated in Spanish. God bless!
Ancient Israel was a nation founded on the Word of God and dedicated to His purposes. Yet, over time, it began to drift away, departing from His ways, more and more rapidly. It became a civilization at war against its own foundations, a culture turned in against itself, a nation in spiritual schizophrenia. Even in the wake of God’s warnings and shakings, the nation refused to turn back to God, but hardened itself against Him, a defiance that ultimately led to its destruction. These were the days of the prophets.
Word for the Month & for Tues., Dec. 1
Scripture: 2 Peter 3:3
See Message: The Abolition of Gray
Imagine you were living then, in the last days of ancient Israel, a time of apostasy, warnings, and judgment. Imagine God had placed you and called you as He did the prophets to minister and fulfill your calling in such a time and place. How would you do that? The first thing you’d have to do would be to face the fact – that the Israel you once knew, the Israel that once knew God, no longer existed. You were now living in a post-biblical nation in opposition to God and His ways.
In the same way, we must all now realize what we are dealing with. The America we once knew is gone. Your calling and ministry now exist in the context of a nation in deep apostasy, and a mainstream culture increasingly and ever more brazenly at war with the ways of God. How do you minister and bear witness in such a culture? Do you tone down the message? Do you lighten up the word of God?
What would your answer be? The need of a nation in apostasy is to hear the truth, and to hear it loud and clear. Woe to us if we should compromise or remain silent. Woe to us if we should put self-interest and the acceptance of man over what is right. Woe to us if we should tone down or compromise our preaching and teaching of the Word because of the pressure of the times. And woe to us if we should fail to stand strong in an hour that requires nothing less.
You don’t have to imagine you live in such a time – you already do. And in such a time, it is crucial that you not become weaker or softer in your witness, but bolder and stronger. You must now speak with a prophetic voice.
You must take up the mantle of the watchmen. And for the watchmen to fulfill his charge, he must stay separate from the city.
In the same way it is crucial that you all the more live separate from the sins of the culture that surrounds you – and all the more live all out and holy to fulfill the calling God has given you.
Only those willing to be different can make a difference.
And the watchman must keep his post in his watchtower and dwell more deeply in the presence of God.
Finally, the watchman must lift up his trumpet, set it to his mouth, and blow, with all his might, so that his city might be saved.
Take your stand. Live holy. Live strong. Live uncompromised. Fulfill your charge as a watchman and your calling for such a time as this.
This month make it your aim to rise to this charge, and may God greatly bless you as you do!
'Your eternal destiny may very well hinge on you watching this video'
It’s a hit!
And maybe even just a little bit more.
After all, one viewer wrote, “Your eternal destiny may very well hinge on you watching this video.”
Now that’s an endorsement.
Viewers are raving about the new documentary “The Harbinger Man: The Jonathan Cahn Story, with 85 percent percent of reviewers at leaving the film a five star rating.
The film has cracked the top 50 of all documentaries at and is number 51 of all “Faith & Spirituality” films only weeks after its initial release.
Viewers enthuse:
An absolute 10. The story of Jehovah God’s Jewish Prophet to America.
Great story! It covers the whole back story of the writing of the book, “The Harbinger.” Demonstrably shows the hand of God moving in people’s lives. Your eternal destiny may very well hinge on you watching this video.
This film is actually pretty important for Americans to watch, revealing the background of a man who has had a huge impact on Christianity within our country. Like many people, I knew the name but knew nothing about what he actually believed or taught. I found myself fascinated by a man who sees himself as nothing less than a kind of bridge between Jews and Christians, reconciling the oldest split in Western culture.
This is definitely worth watching, especially if you are interested in the future of the Christian faith in America.
The thrilling documentary takes viewers on a guided tour of the life, time, and teachings of Jonathan Cahn, the Messianic rabbi who came to national attention by writing “The Harbinger.”
“The Harbinger” rocketed immediately in popularity and went on to appear on the New York Times bestseller list for more than 100 weeks. It also served as the focus for The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,” the number one faith film of 2012 and 2013.
Cahn also went on to introduce America to the concept of the Shemitah, an ancient biblical mystery which has riveted the globe. An estimated one out of every 10 Google searches were for the word Shemitah in mid-September 2015.
Finally, Cahn is also known as a fiery preacher. His speech to the Inaugural Prayer Breakfast in 2013 was called by some “the most important speech given in modern American history” given the moral and spiritual state of the nation.
And Cahn’s warning to the Supreme Court on the issue of homosexual marriage was viewed by millions of people around the word, with a video going viral within moments of being posted on a Nigerian website.
Cahn’s biblical teaching series has also been well received, with each of three volumes of of his biblical teachings receiving almost unanimous five star reviews at
“The Harbinger Man: The Jonathan Cahn Story” takes viewers behind the scene to witness the extraordinary journey of one of the most important figures in American Christianity who has, as one reader put it, came “out of nowhere.”
From the escape of his father from Adolf Hitler’s Germany, to his upbringing as a Jew, to his youthful atheism and finally to the near death experience which pushed him towards accepting Jesus Christ as Messiah, “The Harbinger Man” is a story too extraordinary for fiction.
But the movie doesn’t just cover Cahn the man.
It also explores the revolutionary nature of his teachings and the substance of Cahn’s warning for America during what many believe are prophetic times. The film follows Cahn’s dangerous travels around the world, as the man some call “America’s Prophet” engages in spiritual warfare with pagan idols and recounts spellbinding stories of conversion and salvation.
It also goes in depth into Cahn’s theology, examining how the rabbi is reconnecting Christianity with its Jewish roots and causing what can only be called a religious revolution.
“The Harbinger Man” is produced by WND Films and was directed by George Escobar, who also directed the Academy Award-nominated “Alone Yet Not Alone.”
WND Founder and CEO Joseph Farah is excited by the film and hopes as many people will see it as possible.
“[Cahn's] life has been miraculously touched by God, guided by God, and blessed by God – and you’ll get to see that story for the first time in “The Harbinger Man.”
Viewers evidently agree and are excited to be a part of what is becoming a nationwide phenomenon.
As one person who saw the film told WND, “I just watched “The Harbinger Man.” I’m not going to attempt to comment on it because no words will do it justice.”
See the “Harbinger Man” trailer:
COAST TO COAST/AM with George Noory host Jonathan Cahn on the Oct. 12th airing. Listen to the full interview of the Shemitah Cycle/Mysteries of the Pyramids by going to link. Must Sign Up with site. God bless!
Worship returns after silence spanning 150 years
“The Harbinger Man” Jonathan Cahn’s message has been delivered to Washington and in Washington multiple times. It’s been handed out in Congress and it’s been thundered from a podium in Statuary Hall.
It’s been directed at senators, representatives, lawyers on the Supreme Court and even Barack Obama.
And it’s even triggered the return of worship services to the Capitol where they were routine during the early generations of the nation’s life, and then disappeared.
The “Jefferson Gathering” are meetings now held by Pastor Dan Cummins, who moved to Washington with his family after hearing the challenge in the message from Cahn to America: Repent and return to God.
Before it’s too late.
“There’s now weekly worship in the Capitol,” Cummins said. “After an absence of 150 years.”
Cummins relates the story of his call to action after hearing Cahn, and his move to Washington to start weekly worship services, in the newly released “The Harbinger Man.”
The subject of the documentary movie, which is surging on Amazon, is Cahn, his life, and his message.
Summarizing Cahn’s message, Joseph Farah, chief of WND Films, which produced the movie version of “The Harbinger,” called “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,” says: “If God’s people, called by His name, would humble themselves and pray and seek His face, He would do these things: hear their prayers, forgive their sin, and heal their land. In other words, God was not expecting or demanding everyone to follow Him, just His kids, just His children, just the believers. Therefore, it is the believers who have this special responsibility. It is they who hold the key to the healing of our land.
“That’s the really good news Jonathan Cahn brings to us. It’s up to us; it’s up to believers to do this and do it now. Is that too much to expect?”
Washington and “The Harbinger” seemed destined to cross paths. The original book spoke of warnings being delivered to America, in parallel to the warnings given to the nation of Israel thousands of years ago.
Israel refused to heed God’s warnings, and fell into collapse. Cahn’s warnings are intended to set America on a different path.
Will it work?
That remains to be seen. After all, the Old Testament records when Israel was warned by God, the response was “The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.”
In other words, we’ll do it ourselves.
When 9/11 happened, then-Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle stated, “America will emerge from this tragedy as we have emerged from all adversity – united and strong … I know there is only the smallest measure of inspiration that can be taken from this devastation. But there is a passage in the Bible from Isaiah that speaks to all of us at times like this.”
Then he read Isaiah 9:10: “The bricks are fallen down …”
Cahn explained when the parallel was revealed. “Daschle has no idea what he is doing here. He thinks he’s offering comforting words to a grief-stricken people, but he is actually embracing the spiritually defiant and arrogant words of the children of Israel…”
Who picked up that theme a short time later?
Sen. John Edwards. He preached on that very theme.
And who else?
On Feb. 24, 2009, Barack Obama said, “I want every American to know this: We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before.”
Cahn admits in “The Harbinger Man” that his message seems destined for Washington.
He said the leaders represent the nation, and God’s warnings are given to them, too.
He personally delivered some just this year. It was at the Washington: A Man of Prayer event set up by Cummins.
It came just before the Supreme Court ruled to trash God’s definition of marriage and supplant it with one that includes same-sex duos.
WND reported then that Cahn “smacked down the Supreme Court’s assumption that it has the authority to redefine marrijage.
“The justices of the Supreme Court took up their seats [in a hearing] on whether they should strike down the biblical and historic definition of marriage,” he said. “That the event should even take place is a sign this is America of [George] Washington’s warning … a nation at war against its own foundation.”
Washington warned the smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation “that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which heaven itself hath ordained.”
Cahn noted the Supreme Court opens sessions with the words, “God save the United States and this honorable court.”
“If this court should overrule the word of God and strike down the eternal rules of order and right that heaven itself ordained, how then will God save it?” he asked. “Justices, can you judge the ways of God? There is another court and there another judge, where all men and all judges will give account.
“If a nation’s high court should pass judgment on the Almighty, should you then be surprised God will pass judgment on the court and that nation? We are doing that which Israel did on the altars of Baal,” he said.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Word for the Month & for Sunday, Nov. 1 Scripture: Isaiah 44 See Message: Waves And Anchors
Dear Friends,
In Isaiah 44:8, God says this to His people:
“Fear not, do not be afraid Have I not told you from that time And have declared it You are My witnesses Is there a God beside Me There is no other God. I know not any.” Yet other English translations will translate it not as “There is no other God” as “There is no other rock.” The reason is, the Hebrew actually doesn’t say “God” but “tzor” and “tzor” literally means “rock.” So the word “rock” can be translated as “God.” That’s because there’s a deep connection between “God” and “rock.” What is it?
A rock is just about the most permanent of things. While everything else changes around them, rocks don’t change. Rocks are strong, and for the most part, unbreakable. Rocks, when used as weapons or tools, are powerful. When we use the phrase “rock solid” or “solid as a rock” we speak of firmness, unyieldingness, strength, stability, concrete reality. Rocks are foundational. Foundations are often made with rock – as rock gives its strength to the building it supports.
So why, in some Scriptures, are the words “rock” and “God” interchangeable? It’s because God is a “Rock.” He’s strong. He’s unbreakable. He’s stable. He’s unyielding. He’s unchanging. Everything else changes – but Him. He remains the same. He’s foundational. Everything exists because of Him. God is a Rock in that He’s real, the most real thing, pure, concrete reality.
What does that mean for you? It means that compared to God, everything else in this life is flimsy, weak. Every problem you have, every crisis, every fearful thing, is like vapor, compared to God. And so you don’t have to fear. That problem will pass away. But God will remain. Whatever you’re dealing with, it will pass, but God will remain. The one and only thing in your life that will not change is Him. And since everything else in our lives is changing, how then should we live? We must live not focusing, dwelling, and resting on the changing circumstances that surround us, but on the Rock that remains the same.
God is the Tzor, the Rock. That means you have to make Him your Rock – the Rock, the foundation of your life. So David would write “The Lord is my Rock.” It meant that God was the strength of his life, his stability, his sure and concrete reality, his anchor. We must know Him as God. But we must also know Him as the Rock. When you cling to Him, when you don’t let go, when He becomes the one sure, concrete reality in your life – then He becomes your Rock. When you anchor your feelings, your desires, your emotions, your thoughts to His reality; when you make Him the foundation on which all those things stand – then He becomes your Rock. And in times of great unrest and change, it is all the more crucial that you make Him so. And if you will root and ground and build your life upon this Rock, you will become strong and immoveable. As it is written: “God is our refuge, a very present help in time of need. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, and though the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.”
This month make it your aim to know God as the Tsor, the Rock, and make Him the Rock of every part of your life, the Rock of your heart, mind, soul, and strength. And may the Lord greatly bless you as you do.
Your brother and co-laborer in His love and service,
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
'Harbinger Man' cites 'revival' for both Christians, Jews
'True church, true believers, and Israel have never been closer'
His mother was crying. His father was bidding his son farewell, explaining they would most likely never meet again. And without another word, the young boy was put on a train in a desperate attempt to facilitate his escape from one of the most horrific tyrannies in world history.
The young man was Aarno Cahn, who would go on to become the father of Jonathan Cahn, one of the most influential Christian preachers and teachers of his generation.
And the heartstopping tale of Jonathan Cahn’s father’s escape from Nazi Germany is recounted in the remarkable new movie “The Harbinger Man,” a documentary revealing Cahn’s incredible life story.
Much of the story focuses on Cahn’s Jewish roots and how the evangelist has become one of the leading figures in the emerging reconciliation between the Christian church and the Jewish people. Cahn is uniquely placed to help lead this dramatic revolution in Christianity, as his own heritage runs deep.
It’s gaining a lot of attention already, still days before release, reaching No. 59 in documentaries at Amazon, and No. 17 among hot new documentaries.
“My father came from Germany,” Cahn explained. “His name is Aarno Cahn and Aarno is an anagram of Aaron because he was of the Aaronic line or lineage and he was named after another Aaron Cahn, which in Hebrew actually means Aaron the priest. So it was a long line.”
But for that time and place, Cahn observed, a Jewish background was almost a death warrant. His father grew up in the Weimer Republic during the 1920s. But by the time Aarno Cahn was 10 years old, the Republic was dead and Germany had a new leader – Adolf Hitler.
The rise of the Führer meant the end of Jewish life in Germany.
“It was like a noose tightening on the Jewish people in Germany,” said Cahn. “He had relatives that escaped early on and went to Israel, and they are there to this day. But as it went on, the persecution increased, and the German Jews were separated. He was taken out of school and put into a purely Jewish school.
“He had to say ‘Heil Hitler’ if he went into the post office to get a stamp and it was just increasing until 1938, until Kristallnacht, when the Nazis had a rampage, burning synagogues across Germany, destroying Jewish shops. He remembers that day, seeing all the devastation. That was a real wakeup call for the Jews of Germany that they knew there was really no way out. This was going to continue to something like the Holocaust.”
Cahn’s father was among the thousands of children who joined the desperate pilgrimage known as the Kindertransport, as German Jews fled the Fatherland for the asylum in Great Britain. The young boy said farewell to his parents and made it to England. But he wasn’t safe even there.
In a cruel twist of fate, German espionage efforts in England led the British government to arrest all Germans of certain age, including Cahn’s father. This meant the elder Cahn, a Jew who had fled his native land to escape persecution, was lumped in with Nazis and shipped to a prisoner of war camp in Canada. Even the journey by sea was hardly safe – the ship leaving just before Aarno Cahn’s sank.
However, the older Jewish refugees took care to give the younger Jews an education. And after spending some time in the POW camp, Aarno Cahn was sponsored by a Jewish family and allowed to leave the prison to go to college. Eventually, he became a chemist and ultimately immigrated to the United States to obtain his Ph.D., turning his back on Germany forever.
Cahn’s mother was also familiar with anti-Jewish persecution, as she was of Russian Jewish descent.
“The story of most Jewish people today is they are where they are because their parents or grandparents escaped there to avoid being killed. The Lord God actually says in the prophecies that you shall go from nation to nation and the sword will follow you. So that’s what happened in Russia. The policy was that the czar said we shall launch a persecution against the Jews called the pogrom, it was a war against the Jews in Russia, and their aim was, a third shall convert to Russian Orthodoxy, a third would flee the nation, and a third would be killed.”
Cahn’s grandmother’s family, caught in what Cahn wryly called a “Fiddler on the Roof” situation, immigrated to America through Ellis Island like so many at that time. The family eventually settled in Brooklyn. His mother grew up in a largely secular household which spoke Yiddish as well as English and leaned towards socialism. Like his father, Cahn’s mother became a chemist and met his father in graduate school.
Like his parents, Cahn was raised in an ethnically Jewish environment which nonetheless remained largely secular in outlook.
“I grew up in this home that was Reformed Jewish, they weren’t religious,” Cahn said of his parents. “They never really spoke about their faith or anything about it. A scientific, secular outlook, kind of agnostic or between agnostic or atheist. But my father would always go to synagogue for the High Holy Days like many Jewish people. He would bring me to Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, and we had Passover meals and Chanukah, which was our Christmas, that’s what it became.”
Cahn recounted, “I was brought up with Jewish culture and I was sent to Hebrew school.”
He was taught about the prophets, the God of the Bible, and the God of Israel. However, seeing no evidence of God “moving” in his life, he declared himself an atheist at eight years of age, sparking conflict at school and arguments with teachers and classmates.
Eventually, in Cahn’s words, he “lost faith in atheism” when he became a teenager, beginning a long period of seeking as Cahn eagerly read books on science, religion and even the occult. Throughout all of this, he found there was only one belief forbidden to him if he was to continue to call himself a Jew.
“You can believe in everything except Jesus,” said Cahn. He observed Jews can be atheist, Buddhist or adherents of just about any other lifestyle or creed but “if you believe in this Jewish Rabbi, you’re not Jewish.”
Eventually, Cahn started reading “The Late Great Planet Earth” by Hal Lindsey, which detailed the fulfillment of many of the prophecies of the Bible, especially those concerning the return of the state of Israel.
Cahn continued his investigation of Christianity, finding it logically impossible to deny the truth. He eventually dedicated his life to the Lord after surviving a near death experience.
But as he recounts in “The Harbinger Man,” becoming saved presented Cahn with a new obstacle – telling his parents.
He told his parents he was attending a Christian event in Washington, D.C., and received “dead silence” as a response.
“You ok?” he asked his father. “I’m catatonic,” was the reply.
“They weren’t thrilled,” Cahn deadpans, recalling the incident. “Jewish people are raised that the one thing you can never do is follow Jesus.”
However, not least because of Cahn’s own efforts, that is beginning to change.
“The Bible says that in the last days, He will gather back His people, the Jewish people, to Israel and it talks about the Jewish people coming back to him, turning back,” Cahn explained. “And of course, Messiah, Jesus, said He would not return until His people came back to Him.”
Now, thousands of years after Christianity began as an outgrowth of Judaism, Cahn believes more Jews than ever “are coming to faith in Jesus than at any other time since the Book of Acts.”
What’s more, Cahn said, this is taking place at the same time the Christian church is becoming more aware of its own Jewish roots.
“There’s this whole revival going on, it’s kind of like a coming home, and at the same time in the church, the other side of the coin, the church more and more, is returning to its Jewish roots. The closeness between the true church, true believers, and Israel has never been closer. If you looked back to the Middle Ages, they would be light years apart, one would be persecuting the other. Now they are together.”
Cahn believes this process is all part of God’s plan.
“At the very beginning of the age, everything was together,” Cahn said. “If you came to the Lord in the first century, everything would have a Jewish flavor. It would be natural. And so that’s the way it was, but then came this division, and that division was between the church and Israel as well as between the Jewish people and their Messiah, this wall of separation, where the church became more and more estranged from its roots.”
Now, said Cahn, “the wall is beginning to collapse.”
He is hopeful because “Jewish people are beginning to come to the Messiah and the church is beginning to return to Israel. Basically restoring those things that had been cut off.”
Cahn argues this all is part of the concept of Teshuvah, often translated as “repentance” but which can also mean “return.” He believes as one age ends, the Jewish people are returning to their Messiah and the church is rediscovering its Jewish roots, bringing an end to an entire historical cycle.
Looking back over his own life and his own family’s journey, Cahn can’t help but see all of this as part of a larger pattern. In his words, “These are the days of Teshuvah.”
This documentary is the work of WND Films, which also produced the first film version of “The Harbinger” message with the release in 2012 of the best-selling “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment.”
There will be a limited theatrical premieres, special screenings and a simultaneous DVD release of “The Harbinger Man” – an up-close and personal story of the unlikely star of evangelical Christianity and messianic Judaism.
Dear Friend,
In Hebrew, Eem means "With." Anu means "Us." And El means "God." Eem Anu El means "With Us Is God" - Immanuel. It's the name Messiah, and a Hebrew sentence. Messiah's existence on earth was the manifestation of this reality "With us is God." Word for the Month & for Thursday, Oct. 1 Scripture: Isa. 41:10 See Messages: Anokhee Eemkhah The same reality is manifested throughout the Scriptures in another form, "Anokhee Eemkhah." When Jacob was fleeing for his life, God spoke to him. He said, "Anokhee which means "I am with you" or "I will be with you." It was the first great crisis in Jacob's life. He didn't know if he would ever return to his or his homeland. He was setting off, in fear, as a man in exile, to be a stranger in a strange land. It is at that moment that God gives him a word more important than any other -- I am with you. The promise had no qualifier, no conditions. It meant that no matter what lay ahead, God would be with him. In the mountains and the valleys, God would be with him. In times of danger, in times feeling lost and alone, God would be with him. When his world seemed to collapse around him, when everything he had known had passed away, and what awaited him was the unknown, God would not pass away or change. God would be with him. All of the challenges in Jacob's life, all the problems, all the conflicts, all the confusion would be overruled by those two Hebrew words "Anokhee "I am with you." It would mean that no matter what happened in his exile, Jacob would survive, he would return from his wanderings, and be restored to his family, his land and his home. Those two Hebrew words, Anokhee Eemkhah reappear throughout Scripture. God speaks it not just to a chosen one, but to all His people, as He says to Israel: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name. You are mine. When you pass through the fire, I will be with you; then you pass through the waters, they will not sweep over you. The promise of God is not that you won't walk through the waters or the fire, that you won't know hardship and tribulation, that you won't journey through the shadow death. The promise God is better than that. It is that even in all you do, God will be there, walking with you. If you journey to the ends of the earth, He will be with you. If you make your bed in Sheol, He will be with you. The promise is for all His people. It doesn't exempt us from the tribulations of this world, but it does something better, it overcomes everything else. And because of that, you are to "fear not." or God is with you. He will never leave or forsake you. No matter what you go through, He will be there, in the mountains, in the valleys, in all things, and will bring about His will in your life, into the land of promises.
This month focus on knowing the God who says to you "Anokhee Eemkhah" "I am with you." And may the Lord greatly bless you as you do.
Your brother and co-laborer in His love and service,
Shalom! Here's the link to watch Jonathan Cahn's POWERFUL speech at the 2015 Values Voter Summit!
Jonathan Cahn: The Shemitah That Was and the Shaking to Come
I've warned that if America continues in its present course, if there's no return to God, its crown as head of nations will be removed and that I believe a great shaking is coming to this nation and the world. (Facebook/Jonathan Cahn/Ha Navi Gallery/ajmu)
I believe it is important to give an update.
I have given warning concerning judgment. I have said that I believe America is rapidly advancing toward calamity—that we have crossed the line in our apostasy and defiance of God. I've warned that if America continues in its present course, if there's no return to God, its crown as head of nations will be removed and that I believe a great shaking is coming to this nation and the world.
As for when these things are to take place, I have from the beginning always issued a strong caution, in spoken word and in writing, from The Mystery of the Shemitahitself onward—specifically that we cannot be dogmatic about timing, and that nothing has to take place on a particular date or season, or according to any set calendar, or even as God has done before.
I have ministered that it is wise to be aware of the signs and seasons of the times, and that though such things can take place on biblically relevant times or dates, nothing has to happen on any particular date, whether within the parameters of the Shemitah or in its wake. Our focus must be not on dates but on God and getting right with Him.
At the same time, we remain in a dangerous period—and one of the reasons I've always cautioned regarding dates is that I never wanted such focus to obscure or minimize the larger picture: that regardless of what does or does not happen a particular date, America is racing toward judgment.
In The Mystery of the Shemitah, I share of biblical patterns which, at times, have had stunningly precise manifestations. Each of the last two Shemitahs has climaxed with the greatest stock market point crashes in history on the same exact biblical day—a once-in-seven-year daythat happens to be appointed in the Bible for the effecting of financial remission and nullification. It remains a stunningly and eerily precise historical reality.
And precisely because it is so precise and because it happened in the last two of the Shemitah's cycles, many saw it as an absolute that a massive stock market day crash had to take place on the next such day, September 13. Thus we have cautioned repeatedly that this particular manifestation and any particular manifestation does not have to occur in every or any one of the Shemitah's cycles.
At the same time ... having said and having said again all these things—there are a number of very large and significant facts to be noted:
The Shemitah of 2015 has, in fact, followed the most prevalent of the Shemitah's templates.
What was missed by most in focusing on only one day, was that the largest and most prevalent of the Shemitah's templates has, in fact, manifested. The Elul 29 day crash is only one of several manifestations, an exception and a minority template. In each of the last seven of the Shemitahs there has been a collapse—but only two of those seven collapses have involved an Elul 29 day crash. The majority have taken place according to a much larger template.
The larger and, by far, the predominant of the Shemitah's templates is that of a long-term collapse, a collapsetaking place over the course of several months,or one in which a rising stock market comes to an end, peaks within the Shemitah year, reverses its momentum, and begins a continuous descent. This descent may, at times, involve increasing volatility and dramatic day crashes, particularly in proximity to the Shemitah climax.And this is exactly what occurred in the Shemitah of 2015.
*The 2015 Shemitah has manifested in accordance this larger and predominant of the Shemitah's patterns, a template that appears in the book repeatedly.
Following the Shemitah's pattern...
- The Shemitah of 2015 ended a rising stock market on May 19, a market that then reversed its overall momentum and began a long-term descent for the rest of the Shemitah year.
- As it approached its final phase, the stock market and its descent grew increasingly and dramatically volatile.
- Nearing its conclusion in late August, the Shemitah produced some of the most dramatic days in stock market history—most notably what would be called Black Monday—and which would trigger the collapse of stock markets throughout the world.
- It produced the 10th largest and 8th largest stock market point crashes in American history
- The Shemitah of 2015 produced the greatest stock market intraday collapse in world history, a crash of over 1000 points.
- It would wipe away 16% of the British market
- It would wipe away 18% of the French market
- It would usher in the dramatic financial collapse of the world's new economic engine—China.
- The collapse of China's financial realm alone constituted one of the greatest long-term stock market crashes in history and, by itself, would make 2015 one of the most significant of Shemitahs.
- The amount wiped out from the Shanghai Exchange, in the space of just a few months was over 40 percent!
- It wiped away approximately one fourth of the German market
- It wiped away 4000 points from the Indian market
- It wiped away 12,000 points from the Brazilian markets
- From the peak of the U.S. market to Elul 29, it would wipe out approximately 2 trillion dollars!
- In the same period, from international markets, it would wipe out a sum in excess of 5 trillion dollars!
In many of the Shemitah years, the turbulence and collapsecontinue and may intensify past Elul 29, in the period of the Shemitah's wake. In others, they do not. But whatever happens from this point forward, even if nothing further happened, the Shemitah has already most definitely and powerfully manifested.
Other key manifestations that have marked 2015 as an especially significant Shemitah year:
- The Mystery of the Shemitah chronicles how the Shemitah has marked the shifting of world power.So it was again. The American Age began in 1871, when it became the strongest economic power on earth. Within the parameters of the Shemitah of 2015, that era has officially come to its end.
- The Shemitah of 1973 became a milestone in America's moral and spiritual collapse as the Supreme Court legalized the killing of the unborn. The Shemitah of 2015 was no less a milestone in this fall—as it was the year that the nation's hedges protecting the biblical definition of marriage collapsed across the land, and were then, by the Supreme Court, conclusively struck down.
I have said that I believe it is wisdom to be prepared and that regardless of what happens, it is always wise to have essentials on hand—and yet that each needs to be led by the Lord in such things. For you who have done so, I believe you've been wise and are prepared and better off than you would have been otherwise. Regardless of what the future holds, it is a wise insurance that can always be used. And of course the most important preparation one can do is to be right with God.
I have said and repeat now that we stand as a nation in danger of judgment. The Shemitah is one template by which judgment may be manifested. Whether or not what is yet to come will be joined to what has happened in the most recent Shemitah, I believe that this nation is in and approaches days both critical and perilous. I see ahead, apart from the hand of God, days of apostasy and persecution, and, by the hand of God, a great shaking.
At the same time, God's heart is salvation. And the purpose of shaking is to bring to repentance, salvation, and revival to those who will come. At this point I believe it is only through shaking that a true and great revival can come.
For you who would seek safety, the word for safety in Hebrew is Yeshua. And Yeshua is the name of Jesus. Thus the only way to be safe is to be in Jesus, Yeshua. As for you who are in Yeshua, the safest place to be is in the will of God. Make sure that's where you are.
Know that in all things, God remains absolutely on the throne. And the one who lives in His will, lives and stands on the winning side. Now is not the time to be silent, fearful, or compromised, but to be all the more strong and all the more bold. When the night comes and the dark grows even darker, it is then time, for the lights of God to shine even more brightly. Be strong and of good courage. Proclaim the good news of Messiah. And pray for revival but don't only pray for revival—Live in revival.
And as we witness the progressing of the apostasy, as America races to judgment, as the biblical signs, principles, and harbingers of judgment continue to manifest, and as the events of the last days continue to unfold, I will, and we must, continue to sound the trumpet and the alarm, to call to repentance those who will come, and to draw the lost to Messiah Jesus, Yeshua, who remains the same yesterday, today, and forever and the only answer, the only way, and the only hope America has and all have, to be saved.
Jonathan Cahnis the author of The Harbingerand The Mystery of the Shemitah, the president of Hope of the World Ministries and leader of the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. To get in touch, receive prophetic dates, and free gifts: Go to or find Jonathan Cahn on Facebook.