Shalom! Check out this NEW interview with Jonathan Cahn on the Praise The Lord show with Matt & Lori from this past week (aired 6.19.14). God bless!
Monday, June 23, 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014

I hope you're all doing great!.
Just a quick update, the 2014 Pilgrimage Super Tour to Israel is filling up- Coral Tours just informed us that the cutoff date is July 31 – make sure you send in what's needed. Seats and reservations are limited.
So, if you want to go the Promised Land this November – definitely get in touch with Coral Tours and they'll help you with anything you need to know.
Below you'll see a description of the itinerary.If you're on the web go or just send an e-mail saying you want to go, you're interested and want more information – send to – You can also call 866 267-2511 or 973 921-1166.
Now check out below what you'll be experiencing in the Promised Land.
God bless you with all the riches of His love!
11 Day Journey in the Promised Land – Nov 10-20, 2014
Day 1 – November 10 – Monday Fly to the Promised land USA – Tel Aviv
Day 2 – November 11 - Tuesday: Arrive in the Promised Land - Tel-Aviv – Jaffa – Netanya - Shore
Arrive at Ben Gurion Airport near Tel-Aviv where your Coral representative will be waiting to greet and assist you. Meet your guide and drive to the ancient city of Jaffa where the prophet Jonah set sail for Tarshish, the apostle Peter raised Tabitha, and where Peter's vision opened up the Gospel to people from all nations. Drive by the Independence Hall in Tel Aviv. Continue along the Plains of Sharon to Netanya by the Mediterranean Sea where you'll spend the night – And Worship the God of Israel on the shores of the Promised Land. Dinner and overnight: Hotel in Netanya
Day 3 – November 12 - Wednesday: Caesarea – Mt. Carmel – Armageddon - Mt. Gilboah - Mt. Arbel – The Sea of Galilee Drive along the Mediterranean Sea to the ancient city of Caesarea built by Herod the Great 2000 years ago. See the Roman Theater and Aqueducts – Ascend the top of Mt. Carmel where Elijah challenged and defeated the prophets of Baal – Behold Armageddon, the destination of all end-time prophecy - Journey through the heartland of Israel to Mt. Gilboah and see where so much of the Bible took place (Saul, David, Gideon, etc.) Ascend to the top of Mt. Arbel and behold the beautiful land and Sea of Galilee Mt. Arbel. Drive to Tiberias. Dinner and Overnight: Hotel in Tiberias.
Day 4 – November 13 - Thursday: Migdal – Damascus Road - Tel Dan - Caesarea Philippi – Capernaum – The Synagogue at Chorazim at Night - See Migdal, the home of Mary Magdalene – Journey on the Road to Damascus – Stand by King Jeroboam's Altar in the biblical city of Dan – See Caesarea Philippi where Messiah asked His disciples "Who do you say I am?" (Matthew 16:13). Continue for panoramic view of the Golan Heights from Mt. Bental – Onto Gedara where Messiah healed the demoniac - At the northern shore walk the ancient city of Capernaum, the town where Messiah ministered and drew His Disciples (Matthew 4:13). Visit the excavation of the House of the Apostle Peter and the Ancient Synagogue of Capernaum. In the evening, experience a special candlelight service on the very ground of the ancient synagogue of Korazim where Messiah actually stood and ministered! At dinner you will be able you sample St. Peter's Fish from the Sea of Galilee. Dinner & Overnight: Hotel in Tiberias
Day 5 – November 14 - Friday: Cana – Nazareth – Valley of Jezreel - Tabgha – Sail on the Sea of Galilee - Shabbat - Drive to the city of Cana of Galilee, where Messiah performed his first miracle at the Wedding (John 2: 1-11) and there Renew your Consecration to your Beloved and Couples your vows to each other in a special ceremony under the Olive Trees of Cana. Stop for overview of Nazareth- Stand on the Mt. of Precipice where Messiah would have stood and see the Valley of Jezreel. Onto the northern shore of Galilee to spend a special time with the Lord at Tabgha, the site where the miracle of the loaves and fishes took place (Matthew 14:13-21). End the day with a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. Experience the Sabbath and a Sabbath dinner in Galilee - Get together Shabbat dinner and overnight: Hotel in Tiberias.
Day 6 – November 15 - Saturday: Immersion in the Jordan River – The Heartland – The Valley of Elah – Beer Sheva – The Well of Abraham – The Wilderness of Judea – Camel Ride – Bedouin Dinner – A Night in Bedouin Tents Start the day at the baptismal site Yardenit in a special baptism in the waters of the Jordan River. See the place where Gideon's army overcame the Midianites – Stand in the Valley of Elah and relive the battle of David and Goliath - Continue south and see Abraham's Well near Beer Sheva, the capital of the Negev Desert. Journey through the Wilderness of Judea to Kfar Hanokdim where you will experience a camel ride, an unforgettable night in Bedouin tents – Partake in a Bedouin Dinner and worship under the stars of the Wilderness. Overnight: Bedouin Tent
Day 7 – November 16 - Sunday: Worship Service in the Wilderness – Jeep Safari Ride - Masada – The Springs of En Gedi – Bathe in the Dead Sea – Jerusalem - After breakfast attend Sunday Morning Service in the Wilderness of the Bible - Experience a Wilderness Safari by jeep or safari truck to the mountain fortress of Masada. Ascend by cable car. Explore the ancient excavation of Herod's Palaces, the bathhouse, the storerooms, the ramp, and the oldest Synagogue in the world. Continue on to Springs of En Gedi in the desert oasis where King David dwelt with God. On to the shore of the lowest place on planet earth and experience what it is to "float" on the Dead Sea. Drive by the caves of the Dead Sea Scrolls. In the early evening ascend the mountains to take in a view of Jerusalem. Behold the Holy City from the ridge of the Mount of Olives - Dinner and Overnight: Hotel in Jerusalem.
Day 8 – November 17 - Monday: Jerusalem – The Temple Mount – Yad Vashem – Kidron & Hinnom Valley – The City of David – The Pool of Siloam – Bethlehem – The Rabbis Tunnel Under the Temple - The Holy City - Jerusalem - Ascend the Temple Mount to stand in the actual ground where once stood the Holy Temple of God, the Outer Courts, the Court of the Priests, the Holy Place, the Holy of Holies. Walk through Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum and Memorial. See the Kidron & Hinnom Valley & visit the ancient City of David, David's Palace and the Pool of Siloam where Messiah healed the blind man. Worship the Lord on the hills overlooking the little town of Bethlehem under the stars by night - Dinner and Overnight: Hotel in Jerusalem. After dinner take part in a biblical night adventure of discovery as you walk under the Temple Mount through the Rabbis'Tunnel!
Day 9 – November 18 - Tuesday: Enter the Walled City – The Lion's Gate – The Pool of Bethesda – The Ancient Cardo – The Western Wall – The Southern Steps – The Golden/Eastern Gate – The Garden of Gethsemane at Night - Enter the Walled City of Jerusalem via Lion's Gate, through which end-time prophecy was fulfilled & Israel regained Jerusalem. Stand by the actual Pool of Bethesda where Messiah healed the crippled man. Enter St. Ann's Church. Continue and stand on the traditional ancient Pavement where Messiah was taken before Pilate. Walk the streets of the Old City through the ancient colorful bazaar (The Shuk) and through the Ancient Cardo to the Jewish Quarter – Approach the holiest site in the Jewish world and pray at the Western Wall Walk around to the Southern Wall at the Davidson Center and stand on the actual Temple Steps that Messiah and the apostles walked up to the Temple of Jerusalem. Take an unforgettable prophetic journey in between the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives to the Eastern Gate, the Golden Gate, through which Messiah will return. Experience a once in a life time service among the Olive Trees by the Garden of Gethsemane by night! Attend a special seminar with Joseph Farah and outside guest.
Day 10 – November 19 - Wednesday: Modin – Planting a Tree – The Mt. of Olives – Palm Sunday Road – The House of Caiaphas – The Upper Room – The Garden Tomb – Farewell Dinner - The day begins with a drive to the hills of Judea, near the biblical city of Modin, the home of the Maccabbees, where you will be able to take part of prophecy by planting a tree in the Holy Land at Neot Kdumim. Ascend the Mt. of Olives for a breathtaking panoramic view of the Old City. See the Palm Sunday Road and the Last Way to the House of Caiaphas where Messiah was taken and put on trial. Stand in the Upper Room and pray in the traditional dwelling where the disciples received the Holy Spirit. End the day with a special service at Calvary/ Golgotha and the Empty Garden Tomb. Seal it all up your pilgrimage with a special Farewell Dinner of Celebration. To the airport for your flight back to the USA or stay overnight and fly the next day.
Day 11 – November 20 - Thursday: Return Home from the Promised Land - Tel Aviv – USA - Your flight departs around Midnight or in the morning. Arrive USA the same day.
To Find Out How You Can Go – Call 866-267-2511 Or E-Mail Yaniv@coral tours
Or Go To:
Monday, June 16, 2014
NEW!! JONATHAN CAHN TO DO BRAND NEW MESSAGE AT THE BETH ISRAEL JERSUALEM CENTER. THE HARBINGER CONTINUES: NEW REVELATIONS!!! Don't miss as Jonathan reveals new prophetic revelations of the harbingers & with special focus on what's lies ahead for America & the world- the Year of the Shemitah! Be the first to hear! 2 different mysteries and revelations. The Secret of the Shemitahs! Fri, July 11th at 8pm & The Mystery of the Towers! Sun, July 13th at 11am. Beth Israel Jerusalem Center is located at 11 Railroad Ave in Wayne, NJ 07470. God bless!
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
SPECIAL UPCOMING EVENT!! JONATHAN CAHN TO DO BRAND NEW MESSAGE AT THE BETH ISRAEL JERSUALEM CENTER. THE HARBINGER CONTINUES: THE SECRET OF THE SHEMITAH! ~ The mystery of the Harbinger continues to unfold. Don't miss as Jonathan reveals new mysteries behind the Shemitah- which will soon be upon us- and what lies ahead. Two different mysteries and revelations. Fri, July 11th at 8pm & Sun, July 13th at 11am. Beth Israel Jerusalem Center is located at 11 Railroad Ave in Wayne, NJ. God bless!
Shalom! Here's Jonathan Cahn's NEWEST interview on the Jewish Voice (TBN) show with Jonathan Bernis. Harbinger Decoded Part 2! In this episode the mystery of the Shemitah is discussed. God bless! Please click on link below.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
An excerpt from Chap. 2 'Ancient Israel: The Rise and the Apostasy' from The Harbinger (COMPANION W/STUDY GUIDE)(pg. 13-14)
" Yet even Solomon in the end began to imitate the surrounding Canaanite culture, building high places for Chemosh, the god of the Moabites, and Molech, the god of the Ammonites (1 Kings 11:7). The Lord judged Solomon by splitting Israel in two kingdoms after his death- the northern kingdom of Israel, which included ten of the twelve tribes, and the southern kingdom of Judah, including Jerusalem and the Temple. The northern kingdom is the setting for The Harbinger...Instead of the Law being king, Israel's kings became the law, and lawlessness ruled the land. Instead of being a light to the nations, Israel pursued their dark ways, forsaking its God."
" Yet even Solomon in the end began to imitate the surrounding Canaanite culture, building high places for Chemosh, the god of the Moabites, and Molech, the god of the Ammonites (1 Kings 11:7). The Lord judged Solomon by splitting Israel in two kingdoms after his death- the northern kingdom of Israel, which included ten of the twelve tribes, and the southern kingdom of Judah, including Jerusalem and the Temple. The northern kingdom is the setting for The Harbinger...Instead of the Law being king, Israel's kings became the law, and lawlessness ruled the land. Instead of being a light to the nations, Israel pursued their dark ways, forsaking its God."
Dear Friend,
Messiah said “You are the salt of the earth…” Salt is a preservative against decay. If we are witnessing spiritual
and moral decay all around us, we must ask “What happened to the salt? What happened to believers?” The
following comprises part of the answer:
Word for the Month & for Sunday, June 1
Scripture: 1 Thess. 4:3
See Message: End-Time Love
The Word of God tells us that we are not of this world, and to stay separate from the ways of the world. A recent study on Christian attitudes toward dating and marriage paints a shocking picture of the state of modern
The Bible defines sexual relations before or outside of marriage as “fornication.” It further warns that
those who practice such things will not be saved. According to the “2014 State of Dating in America,” report published by the Christian dating site “Christian Mingle” and “JDate,” the proportion of Christians who said they would have sex before marriage is 61%. Thus, 61% of Christians believe in fornication.
The proportion of those who believe it is fine to live together without marriage after dating between six
months and two years is 56%. This percentage has to be joined to another in which it has been found that couples who live together before marriage have a much greater chance of failing at marriage than those who don’t.
The apostle Paul warns believers against being “unequally yoked.” In other words, a believer is not to
knowingly marry an unbeliever. According to a survey, 34% of Christians believe that while it would be nice to marry someone of the same faith, it’s not a necessity.
The Word of God teaches that man and woman are not the same or interchangeable. The husband has the responsibility of providing for his family. According to a survey, the proportion of Christians who said that it doesn’t make a difference who the primary provider of the family is, man or woman, is 59%.
What does this reveal? It tells us that Christians, at least those who are on dating sites, are not actually
following the Word of God as their authority, but are following the world and its changing morality. It
brings into question whether most who view themselves as Christians (and in this case it presumably means evangelical and born again) are, in fact, actually Christians according to the Bible.
The findings are consistent with other studies which have found that young evangelicals are increasingly leaning toward supporting gay marriage, moral relativism, and a general outlook that sees no real absolute truth.
The fact that these traits are all the more strong among younger evangelicals is an ominous sign concerning the future of the Church in America. Beyond that, it is a revelation as to the moral apostasy we are witnessing in our culture. Believers are called to affect the world around them, to be salt, to preserve, and to be light into the darkness. How could America and western culture become so ungodly if America has so many Christians? Perhaps it doesn’t. Or perhaps what it does have has become ineffective. Perhaps the salt has lost its saltiness and cannot preserve any more. This is a wake-up call. It is not just a nation and culture in trouble, but the Church. All the more, let us commit to being true light that lights up the darkness and true salt that impacts the
world against rottenness.
This month seek to live uncompromised, by the word of God, pure light, and salty salt. And may God
greatly bless you as you do!
Your brother and co-laborer
in His love and service,
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