Tuesday, September 10, 2013
The broadcast can be obtained live on Direct TV and on the Web at http://www.lifestream.tv/geb/index.php?id=gebuser for individual viewing or viewing in groups, prayer gatherings. Pray for America!
Shalom! This is an UPDATE on the call to prayer and repentance on 9/11. Please listen and share this update/video. And if you haven't yet joined the call for this event do so and go to the 9/11 National Day of Prayer And Repentance. https://www.facebook.com/911NationalDayOfPrayerAndRepentance?ref=hl
Shalom! Here's the link to watch the most recent interview with Jonathan and other guest on the Praise the Lord show via TBN (Aug.29, 2013) God bless!
Dear Friend,
A while back I gave a message called The Tipping Point. In it, I said that, apart from revival, America's moral and spiritual descent would rapidly increase.
Enemies of the Human Race~
Word for the Month & for Sunday, Sept. 1
Scipture: Isaiah 5:20
See Message: The Maccabee Blueprint I
In mid-summer of this year an event took place of extreme moral, spiritual, and prophetic significance with far-reaching ramifications. The United States Supreme Court struck down the central core of the Defense of Marriage Act (D.O.M.A.). What was the Defense of Marriage Act? It was the act passed by Congress in 1996 which simply stated that for the Federal Government, marriage is the union of a man and a woman. In fact, it did nothing but recognize what had always been the definition of marriage since the beginning of civilization. But this summer, that basic universal definition was struck down.
In the short-run, the ruling means that the Federal Government will recognize gay marriages performed in the states which have legalized it. But in the long-run, the ramifications are much greater. The ruling declared homosexuality to be a constitutionally and governmentally protected right. This will set the legal framework for the legalization of gay marriage across America.
But the ruling went even farther. It declared that the drawing of distinctions between marriage as we have always known it and gay unions is to "demean," "humiliate," and "injure." Thus, those who draw such distinctions, meaning every Bible believing Christian are according to the United States government, those who demean, humiliate, and harm. Thus, Christians are now defined as those who cause harm to society. We must realize this fact. If a nation is going to redefine morality, then it will also end up redefining us.
Even Supreme Court Justice, Anthony Scalia, writing the opinion of the four justices who dissented, realized the ominous ramifications. He wrote this:
I promise you this: The only thing that will "confine" the Court's holding is its sense of what it can get away with. It is one thing for a society to elect change; it is another for a court of law to impose change by adjudging those who oppose it hostes humani generis, enemies of the human race.
Justice Scalia was looking at the big picture and the long run. And he was prophesying, specifically, that the ruling would not be the end of the issue but the beginning. It won't stop. And there will be another side to it -- namely that those who don't agree but who simply hold to what has always been the definition of marriage, those who hold to biblical values will be deemed humani generes, enemies of the human race.
In other words, as the prophets of ancient times pointed out, when sin is called righteousness, and darkness light, then the righteous will be called evil and the light darkness. In other words -- persecution. It's all happening with increasing speed. Are we ready?
We must look back to the days of Elijah, a man whom an apostate civilization redefined as a "troubler of Israel." And yet he would not be able to find his identity in his times or in the opinions of man but only in his relationship to God. And he would not compromise or bend, but instead be a sign to a darkened age of the light of truth. Let us do likewise, and may He bless and anoint you as you do.
This month, be a strong, undivided, and powerful witness to the Almighty, and may He bless and anoint you as you do.
Your brother and co-laborer,
in His love and service,
Word for the Month & for Sunday, Sept. 1
Scipture: Isaiah 5:20
See Message: The Maccabee Blueprint I
In mid-summer of this year an event took place of extreme moral, spiritual, and prophetic significance with far-reaching ramifications. The United States Supreme Court struck down the central core of the Defense of Marriage Act (D.O.M.A.). What was the Defense of Marriage Act? It was the act passed by Congress in 1996 which simply stated that for the Federal Government, marriage is the union of a man and a woman. In fact, it did nothing but recognize what had always been the definition of marriage since the beginning of civilization. But this summer, that basic universal definition was struck down.
In the short-run, the ruling means that the Federal Government will recognize gay marriages performed in the states which have legalized it. But in the long-run, the ramifications are much greater. The ruling declared homosexuality to be a constitutionally and governmentally protected right. This will set the legal framework for the legalization of gay marriage across America.
But the ruling went even farther. It declared that the drawing of distinctions between marriage as we have always known it and gay unions is to "demean," "humiliate," and "injure." Thus, those who draw such distinctions, meaning every Bible believing Christian are according to the United States government, those who demean, humiliate, and harm. Thus, Christians are now defined as those who cause harm to society. We must realize this fact. If a nation is going to redefine morality, then it will also end up redefining us.
Even Supreme Court Justice, Anthony Scalia, writing the opinion of the four justices who dissented, realized the ominous ramifications. He wrote this:
I promise you this: The only thing that will "confine" the Court's holding is its sense of what it can get away with. It is one thing for a society to elect change; it is another for a court of law to impose change by adjudging those who oppose it hostes humani generis, enemies of the human race.
Justice Scalia was looking at the big picture and the long run. And he was prophesying, specifically, that the ruling would not be the end of the issue but the beginning. It won't stop. And there will be another side to it -- namely that those who don't agree but who simply hold to what has always been the definition of marriage, those who hold to biblical values will be deemed humani generes, enemies of the human race.
In other words, as the prophets of ancient times pointed out, when sin is called righteousness, and darkness light, then the righteous will be called evil and the light darkness. In other words -- persecution. It's all happening with increasing speed. Are we ready?
We must look back to the days of Elijah, a man whom an apostate civilization redefined as a "troubler of Israel." And yet he would not be able to find his identity in his times or in the opinions of man but only in his relationship to God. And he would not compromise or bend, but instead be a sign to a darkened age of the light of truth. Let us do likewise, and may He bless and anoint you as you do.
This month, be a strong, undivided, and powerful witness to the Almighty, and may He bless and anoint you as you do.
Your brother and co-laborer,
in His love and service,

The results are in: The Harbinger is back on top of the ECPA Fiction best-seller list!
The broadcast can be obtained live on Direct TV and on the Web at http://www.lifestream.tv/geb/index.php?id=gebuser for individual viewing or viewing in groups, prayer gatherings. Pray for America!
Dear Friend,
Recently, the Lord opened the door for me to speak on Capitol Hill before a gathering of leaders and Members of Congress. In the speech I spoke of America's turning from God, the signs of national judgment, and I gave a call for a national day of prayer and repentance on 9/11. Here now are excerpts from the official declaration of 9-11, National Day of Prayer & Repentance:
Word for the Month & for Thursday, Aug. 1
Scripture: II Chron. 7:14
See Message: If My Peoplern"
The Scriptures declare: "Righteousness exalts a nation. But sin is a reproach to any people." American civilization was founded upon the Word of God, dedicated to His purposes, and consecrated to His glory. America was established by its first founders as "a city on a hill," a light to the world, and modeled after the pattern of ancient Israel. As affirmed by the Scriptures and reaffirmed by Abraham Lincoln in his national call to prayer and repentance, only those nations are blessed 'whose God is the Lord.' America has thus been blessed more than any nation in modern history, in prosperity, in power, in position, in security, in peace.
But America, as ancient Israel, has forgotten, departed from, and turned against the God of its foundation. We have driven God out of our public square, out of our culture, out of our government, and out of the education of our children. In the void, we have replaced Him with idols, greed, carnality, materialism, immorality.... We have called good 'evil' and evil, 'good.' We have profaned the sacred and have sanctified the profane. We have killed over fifty million of our most innocent and helpless, and their blood is on our hands....
Therefore, in view of the critical nature of the hour, we are led to declare a National Day of Prayer and Repentance to take place on 9/11. This is a call for all believers to follow the words of 2 Chronicles 7:14 to humble themselves, to pray, to seek His face, to search their ways, to confess their sins, and to take concrete steps and effective action to true and lasting repentance -- and to do this both individually and corporately. Having done this, it is a call to then pray for America, to intercede for its sins and its future, and in the name of the Messiah, to seek God for mercy, forgiveness, repentance, healing, restoration, salvation, return, and revival.
This call is to believers, ministers, pastors, churches throughout the land who are led -- to apply 2 Chronicles 7:14 in whatever way they are led by God -- in individual prayer and repentance, in corporate prayer, in holy and solemn gatherings throughout the land, in fasting, in worship, in intercession, in revival, in homes, houses of worship, towns and cities across the nation, as well as specially appointed gatherings and events in New York City and Washington D.C. ...."
My co-laborer and partner in the Great Commission, please join me in dedicating this coming 9/11 for prayer and repentance, and spread the word to your congregations, pastors, ministries, and friends that they would do the same in whatever way they are so led. Having done this, let us entrust ourselves and this nation to the mercy and grace of God that His will and purposes be fulfilled. May the Lord bless you this month with all the blessings of His love.
Your brother and co-laborer, in His love and service,
Recently, the Lord opened the door for me to speak on Capitol Hill before a gathering of leaders and Members of Congress. In the speech I spoke of America's turning from God, the signs of national judgment, and I gave a call for a national day of prayer and repentance on 9/11. Here now are excerpts from the official declaration of 9-11, National Day of Prayer & Repentance:
Word for the Month & for Thursday, Aug. 1
Scripture: II Chron. 7:14
See Message: If My Peoplern"
The Scriptures declare: "Righteousness exalts a nation. But sin is a reproach to any people." American civilization was founded upon the Word of God, dedicated to His purposes, and consecrated to His glory. America was established by its first founders as "a city on a hill," a light to the world, and modeled after the pattern of ancient Israel. As affirmed by the Scriptures and reaffirmed by Abraham Lincoln in his national call to prayer and repentance, only those nations are blessed 'whose God is the Lord.' America has thus been blessed more than any nation in modern history, in prosperity, in power, in position, in security, in peace.
But America, as ancient Israel, has forgotten, departed from, and turned against the God of its foundation. We have driven God out of our public square, out of our culture, out of our government, and out of the education of our children. In the void, we have replaced Him with idols, greed, carnality, materialism, immorality.... We have called good 'evil' and evil, 'good.' We have profaned the sacred and have sanctified the profane. We have killed over fifty million of our most innocent and helpless, and their blood is on our hands....
Therefore, in view of the critical nature of the hour, we are led to declare a National Day of Prayer and Repentance to take place on 9/11. This is a call for all believers to follow the words of 2 Chronicles 7:14 to humble themselves, to pray, to seek His face, to search their ways, to confess their sins, and to take concrete steps and effective action to true and lasting repentance -- and to do this both individually and corporately. Having done this, it is a call to then pray for America, to intercede for its sins and its future, and in the name of the Messiah, to seek God for mercy, forgiveness, repentance, healing, restoration, salvation, return, and revival.
This call is to believers, ministers, pastors, churches throughout the land who are led -- to apply 2 Chronicles 7:14 in whatever way they are led by God -- in individual prayer and repentance, in corporate prayer, in holy and solemn gatherings throughout the land, in fasting, in worship, in intercession, in revival, in homes, houses of worship, towns and cities across the nation, as well as specially appointed gatherings and events in New York City and Washington D.C. ...."
My co-laborer and partner in the Great Commission, please join me in dedicating this coming 9/11 for prayer and repentance, and spread the word to your congregations, pastors, ministries, and friends that they would do the same in whatever way they are so led. Having done this, let us entrust ourselves and this nation to the mercy and grace of God that His will and purposes be fulfilled. May the Lord bless you this month with all the blessings of His love.
Your brother and co-laborer, in His love and service,
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