Monday, December 10, 2012
Shalom! Thank you for joining The Harbinger Blog site...we begin by
apologizing for the delay in updates/post. We have been working on
making this site as effective and informative as possible. Beginning
this month of Jan'13 we will be updating this blog on an ongoing basis,
please feel free to join in and share with others. Please scroll down and enjoy catching up with all that has occurred with The Harbinger in it's first year of publication. Let us give God all
the glory for all He has done and pray that His perfect Will be done! God bless!
Glenn Beck Reviews The Harbinger!!! Check out the link below!!
Dust off your Bibles and dig in! The Suspense Zone review of The Harbinger.
‘The Harbinger’ Tops Weekly Fiction Best-Sellers (5.18.12)
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Photo Courtesy from Ha Navi Gallery/AJMU |
Messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s prophetic novel, The Harbinger, has once again topped the weekly fiction best-sellers list. The list from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association tracks sales for the week ending April 28, according to Pubtrack Christian data.
Subtitled “The Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of America’s Future,” The Harbinger is published by FrontLine, an imprint of Charisma House. The book traces a series of detailed parallels between what has happened in the United States since the 2001 terrorist attacks—including the economic collapse—and Israel’s history after it turned away from God. Told in fictional narrative, the book unfolds how nine signs concealed in recent events reveal God’s progressive judgment.
Released Jan. 3, the book has gone to reprint four times and hovered on the top ten of Amazon’s top 100 best-seller list for several days. It is the first New York Times best-seller for Cahn.
“We are thrilled that The Harbinger debuted on two New York Times best-seller lists simultaneously. The premise of the book has impacted the lives of many who have been gripped by the uncanny scriptural parallels to what’s happened in current events since the Sept. 11 attacks,” said Tessie DeVore, book group executive vice president at Charisma House. She also added, “This is a timely message for our nation and a rallying cry for Christians to pray for America.”
Raised in a Jewish home, Cahn became an atheist before accepting Christ as Messiah as a 20-year-old. Since 1988 he has led Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel, a worship center in Wayne, N.J., one of the country’s largest Messianic congregations. Through his Hope of the World ministry, he has ministered in Cuba, Nigeria and India.
Here's an interview with Jonathan by Molly
Noble Bull/Commandment Keepers (online site). Please scroll down to the
May 13th interview.
Interview with Jonathan by Pastor Dan (5.3.12)
Interview with Jonathan by Pastor Dan (5.3.12)

WND EXCLUSIVE 'Isaiah 9:10 Judgment' No. 1 faith movie in U.S. (5.1.12)
"The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment" DVD even tops "The Ten Commandments" on Amazon chartWASHINGTON – “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment” – a new two-hour documentary about the parallels between ancient Israel’s fall and America since 9/11 – is the No. 1 movie at Amazon in the category of “faith and spirituality” a week after its official debut on DVD.
It is also the No. 2 most popular documentary of any kind and the 224th most popular video for sale.
Producer Joseph Farah said he is immensely pleased with the performance of the video, which is a documentary treatment of the message found in the best-selling book “The Harbinger” by Jonathan Cahn, which has been on the top-10 New York Times list every week since the New Year.
“We put our money into the production of what we saw as a very worthwhile movie and couldn’t budget any more for marketing – but this video is apparently marketing itself,” he said.
In January, “The Harbinger,” by Cahn, a messianic rabbi from New Jersey, exploded onto the publishing scene, immediately becoming a surprise New York Times bestseller, already read by hundreds of thousands nationwide.
Last week, a video documentary exploring the central message of Cahn’s thesis – that ancient Israel’s experience described in Isaiah 9:10 is being relived by the United States today – was released nationwide by WND Videos.
“A number of years ago, as I was standing at the edge of Ground Zero in New York City, I came across the first puzzle piece of an ancient biblical mystery and a prophetic message known as ‘The Harbinger’ that concerns the future of America,” explains Cahn, who helped write the two-hour documentary “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment.”
Cahn says he has since found nine harbingers that tie the problems America has experienced beginning Sept. 11, 2001, with parallels that led to the destruction of ancient Israel.
“Before God judges a nation, He sends warning,” explains Cahn. “He sent warnings to ancient Israel. He even allowed its enemies to breach its borders in a devastating strike that would traumatize the nation. It was a wake-up call, the call to return to God. But the nation responded with defiance. God then gave nine harbingers of judgment, nine prophetic signs, alarms and foreshadows of what was to come. Now America is the nation in rapid departure from God’s will. And God likewise allowed an enemy to breach its borders in a devastating strike – the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. It was, likewise, a wake-up call. But America, like Israel, has not responded with repentance, but with defiance. And now the nine harbingers of judgment have reappeared and have done so on American soil.”
The WND Superstore offers an exclusive bundle that includes “The Harbinger” and “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment” at one low price.
Isaiah 9:10 is a verse in which Israel’s national leaders utter a vow of defiance following an attack by Assyria. It declared that the nation would not repent before God, but would defy Him instead. Cahn reveals in “The Harbinger” – and in even more dramatic fashion in the video – that beginning the day after Sept. 11, 2001, American leaders began repeating that 2,500-year-old vow, word for word.
“Having no idea what he was doing, the majority leader of the U.S. Senate (Tom Daschle) was declaring America as under the judgment of God,” Cahn says. “It was the reenactment of an ancient mystery – and bore the most grave of consequences.”
He continues: “According to the ancient mystery revealed in the Book of Isaiah, if after that first calamity and warning, the nation doesn’t return to God but responds in defiance, it will end up triggering a second calamity. It was because of this ancient key, that, seven years after 9/11, the American economy collapsed. In the days after 9/11, the Federal Reserve slashed the base interest rate in an attempt to defy the consequences of the attacks. That action put us on the path leading to the collapse of the American economy seven years later. In 2008, the government made a second fatal mistake, another ill-fated financial decision, that would trigger the collapse of the American economy. Amazingly, it took place on the seventh anniversary of the uttering of the ancient vow on Capitol Hill.”
Cahn also reveals in “The Harbinger” and “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment” something that readers and viewers universally find astonishing – that New York’s Ground Zero actually represents more than the former financial center of the country. It represents the exact place at which America was first consecrated to God in prayer by the country’s new leaders.
“When judgment came to Israel, the calamity returned the people’s attention to the place where the nation had been consecrated to God – the Temple Mount,” says Cahn. “God was calling the nation back to Himself. What about 9/11? Could there be, in the American calamity, as well, a mystery of return? Could there be a prophetic message hidden in the place where it happened? There is a place where America was consecrated to God in prayer. It is also a place linked to a prophetic warning given on that same day – uttered by the nation’s first president – now coming to pass.”
In 1789, newly inaugurated President George Washington gave a prophetic warning at Federal Hall in New York City. He declared that America’s prosperity and protection were dependent upon its adherence to God. Later, the political leaders of the young nation gathered at St. Paul’s Chapel to commit the nation’s future to God’s purposes. That chapel is located at Ground Zero and miraculously survived 9/11 virtually unscathed.
Cahn, the pastor of the Jerusalem Center-Beth Israel Congregation in Wayne, N.J., says America is uncannily re-enacting ancient Israel’s behavior prior to its judgment and eventual fall. He found a sympathetic ear for his message in WND founder Farah, who produced “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,” as a follow-up to “The Harbinger.”
“I had a chance to hear Jonathan Cahn’s message last fall,” said Farah. “Then I had an opportunity to read an early manuscript of ‘The Harbinger’ before it was released in January. I was determined to produce this video documentary, ‘The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,’ because I believe its message is the most important one for Americans at this moment in history. In fact, I believe this project may be the most important one of my life. That’s how strongly I feel about it.”
The video is directed by award-winning filmmaker George Escobar.
“I can’t say enough about George Escobar’s work,” said Farah. “He was working on a very short timeline, but has delivered a masterpiece.”
The key to decoding the harbingers, Cahn says, is found in understanding the seemingly innocuous words of Isaiah 9:10 (King James Version), what it meant to Israel and how the history seems to be repeating itself in America today: “The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: The sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.”
These words were first uttered by leaders in Israel and in response to a limited strike by Assyria on the lands of Zebulun and Naphtali – an attack the prophet makes clear is actually part of a limited judgment by God against apostasy. It wasn’t meant to destroy the nation, but to awaken it, according to most commentaries.
But, says Cahn, Israel didn’t take the cue. Instead, the response from the people in Isaiah 9:10 is one of defiance. The brick buildings were toppled, but they vowed to build bigger and better. The little sycamore trees may have been uprooted, but they vowed to plant bigger and better cedars in their place.
God, speaking through Isaiah, explains what will happen as a result of their pride and arrogance and failure to heed the harbinger: Bigger and more potent attacks will follow. Because neither the northern kingdom of Israel nor the southern kingdom of Judah truly repents, the first is eventually swept away by Assyrian invaders and the latter is carried off into captivity by the Babylonians for 70 years.
But what does this have to do with the United States of America – particularly what the U.S. experienced on 9/11 and since? Cahn has found some eerie parallels.
“In the aftermath of the attack, the nation was stunned,” said Cahn. “Everyone was trying to make sense of what had happened – this unprecedented attack on America. The very next day, Sept. 12, then Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle presented America’s response to the world. And what did he say?”
Daschle said: “America will emerge from this tragedy as we have emerged from all adversity – united and strong. Nothing … nothing can replace the losses of those who have suffered. I know there is only the smallest measure of inspiration that can be taken from this devastation. But there is a passage in the Bible from Isaiah that speaks to all of us at times like this.”
He then went on to read Isaiah 9:10.
“Daschle has no idea what he is doing here,” explains Cahn. “He thinks he’s offering comforting words to a grief-stricken people, but he is actually embracing the spiritually defiant and arrogant words of the children of Israel, proclaiming the ancient and ominous vow of the leaders of that nation. He doesn’t realize it, but he is actually inviting more judgment on the nation.”
It might be of some significance that Daschle, one of the most powerful men in the nation when he spoke those words, later fell into disgrace – to the point where he couldn’t even serve in Barack Obama’s Cabinet.
That might have been the end of the story – if no other top leader in the nation uttered those strange and obscure words after 9/11. But that’s not the case.
On the third anniversary of the attack, Sept. 11, 2004, another powerful U.S. senator running for vice president that year and who would famously run for the presidency four years later, gave a speech to the Congressional Black Caucus.
This time, John Edwards’ entire speech was built on a foundation of Isaiah 9:10:
“Today, on this day of remembrance and mourning, we have the Lord’s Word to get us through,” he said. He then read Isaiah 9:10. He went on to talk about how America was doing just that – rebuilding with hewn stone and planting cedars.
In “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,” viewers get to see these remarkable, largely forgotten or overlooked speeches, which directly link the events of 9/11 and the events referred to in Isaiah 9:10.
“Like Daschle, Edwards thinks he’s invoking inspirational and comforting words from the Bible, but he’s actually inviting judgment on America,” says Cahn. “He’s repeating the vow that provoked God to bring calamity on ancient Israel.”
Even more astonishing, Daschle and Edwards were not alone among U.S. leaders in making similar statements, as “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment” shows.
But aside from such statements, which could be chalked up to political talk and coincidences, is there anything else linking Isaiah 9:10 to 9/11?
The video documentary, like the book, is full of shocking parallels. There was actually a very famous sycamore tree felled in the attack on the World Trade Center. It was replaced by trees in the same genus as the cedar. There have been many plans made to rebuild the twin towers bigger and better and a large “hewn stone” was actually quarried out of the Adirondack Mountains in New York and brought to Ground Zero as a cornerstone.
“The parallels are truly stunning,” says Farah, founder of WND, who produced the documentary for WND Videos. “In fact, they are overwhelming in their number and their exactitude. I am persuaded God is trying to tell America something and Rabbi Cahn has found the key to unlocking the message.”
Haven’t yet read the best-selling “The Harbinger” by Jonathan Cahn? Get the book and the video documentary at one low price only in the WND Superstore.
Farah says events continue to unfold that seem to link directly to the message of Isaiah 9:10 right here in the United States.
In “The Harbinger” and “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,” Cahn reveals some sensational answers to the following questions:
- Does a relatively obscure verse of Scripture hold the secret to the pain and suffering America has been experiencing in increasing doses since 9/11?
- Are America’s key leaders unknowingly fulfilling a prophetic destiny of national judgment by uttering words from the Bible they don’t comprehend?
- Is the United States following in the footsteps of ancient Israel with a spirit of defiance against God leading to increasingly severe judgments?
- Is America in danger of impending judgment? And is this judgment revealed in an ancient mystery that foretells current events down to the exact dates?
- What can Americans learn that can prevent their nation from falling like ancient Israel did when it failed to heed God’s warnings?
Shalom! Update! Jonathan will be a guest
speaker at the annual Messiah Conference at Messiah College Grantham, PA
July 1-July 7, see attached link for registration info. Day and Time
of when Jonathan is speaking will be provided at conference. God bless!
No. 1 Christian book, video both carry same message
WASHINGTON – The No. 1 Christian book in America and the No. 1 Christian video in America both carry the same message: “The God of Israel is speaking to America through an ancient prophecy.”
It’s not surprising that millions of Christians are picking up on these messages. But the secular world has not only missed the messages, it has missed the phenomenon of record interest in them by Christians.
- Will You Boldly Proclaim"I am a Christian"? Sign the pledge now!
Here are some facts:
- The No. 1 faith video in America today, according to, is“The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment.”
- The No. 1 book at is “The Harbinger.”
- The No. 1 fiction book in the Christian Book Association is “The Harbinger.”
- “The Harbinger” has been on the New York Times bestsellers list all 10 weeks of 2012.
Farah should know. He’s the producer of “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment”who has worked closely with author Jonathan Cahn on the project and helped market “The Harbinger.”
“The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment” shot to the top of the bestsellers among faith films a week after its release on DVD. Yet it has only been promoted at WND.
It is also soared to the No. 2 most popular documentary of any kind at Amazon.
In January, “The Harbinger,” by Cahn, a messianic rabbi from New Jersey, exploded onto the publishing scene, immediately becoming a surprise New York Times bestseller, already read by hundreds of thousands nationwide.
Last week, a video documentary exploring the central message of Cahn’s thesis – that ancient Israel’s experience described in Isaiah 9:10 is being relived by the United States today – was released nationwide by WND Videos.
“A number of years ago, as I was standing at the edge of Ground Zero in New York City, I came across the first puzzle piece of an ancient biblical mystery and a prophetic message known as ‘The Harbinger’ that concerns the future of America,” explains Cahn, who helped write the two-hour documentary “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment.”
Cahn say he has since found nine harbingers that tie the problems America has experienced beginning Sept. 11, 2001, with parallels that led to the destruction of ancient Israel.
“Before God judges a nation, He sends warning,” explains Cahn. “He sent warning to ancient Israel. He even allowed its enemies to breach its borders in a devastating strike that would traumatize the nation. It was a wake-up call, the call to return to God. But the nation responded with defiance. God then gave nine harbingers of judgment, nine prophetic signs, alarms and foreshadows of what was to come. Now America is the nation in rapid departure from God’s will. And God likewise allowed an enemy to breach its borders in a devastating strike – the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. It was, likewise, a wake-up call. But America, like Israel, has not responded with repentance, but with defiance. And now the nine harbingers of judgment have reappeared and have done so on American soil.”
“I had a chance to hear Jonathan Cahn’s message last fall,” said Farah. “Then I had an opportunity to read an early manuscript of ‘The Harbinger’ before it was released in January. I was determined to produce this video documentary, ‘The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,’ because I believe its message is the most important one for Americans at this moment in history. In fact, I believe this project may be the most important one of my life. That’s how strongly I feel about it.”
Check out this great article on The Harbinger via WND as well as check out the short documentary "Now Cahn’s story of “an ancient mystery that holds the secret of America’s future and the collapse of the global economy” is told in a compelling new two-hour documentary video, “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,” produced by WND’s Joseph Farah and directed by award-winning filmmaker George Escobar."
'The Harbinger' going strong on the best-sellers list (3/16/12). Read the article!
Messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s The Harbinger
continues at No. 1 on the Top 10 Fiction best-sellers list, while
residing at No. 4 on the Top 20 General list from the Evangelical
Christian Publishers Association (ECPA).
New York Article Feb. 9, 2012!
(New York, NY) –February 9, 2012 – “The Harbinger-- The Ancient Mystery That Holds The Secret of America’s Future,” a new non-fiction book by first-time author Jonathan Cahn that links modern day America with nine specific warnings of destructions that befell ancient Israel is breaking records in its short retail history and brisk run up the NY Times bestseller list.
Released by Charisma House/Frontline Books on January 9, “The Harbinger” hit the Times bestseller list and premiered at #1 on Amazon’s New Release list within days after its initial release date. The book became an immediate first week sell-out with booksellers nationally, forcing the publisher to boost their original print run of 50,000 to a reprint of 250,000 copies in order to meet retail re-stock demands in January.
Though framed in a fictional narrative, “The Harbinger” is a non-fiction that contains one of the most controversial, unique, and potentially ominous revelations concerning America –its past, present, and future, and how it connects with a 3,000 year old prophecy from the Bible’s Old Testament Book of Isaiah.
Hidden in the ancient prophetic verse, “The Harbinger’ reveals precise ties to the foretelling of recent events in modern day America—stunning in accuracy down to the exact day of the stock market collapse in 2008.
Centerpiece of the book and the premise around which Cahn has extended exhaustive biblical research and studies is found in the Old Testament Book of Isaiah.
“The bricks fall down, but we will build with hewn stones; the sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.” Isaiah 9:10
With stunning precision, the author unfolds an accurately precise and chilling line of continuance between nine specific ‘harbingers’—prophetic omens of warning--that were given to ancient Israel to align them with recent cataclysmic events in modern day America. “The Harbinger” focuses on the appearance of nine warning signs from God that are being amazingly re-played in the sequence of recent national history that has been unfolding before the eyes of Americans since 9/11.
The book poses some thought provoking scenarios, including:
THE STONE OF JUDGMENT that was placed on Ground Zero by American leaders and the ancient drama they re-enacted.
THE ANCIENT MYSTERY THAT AFFECTED your savings, your bank account, your financial future, and the American and global economy.
THE SIGN OF THE SYCAMORE and the prophetic foreshadow it contains concerning the future of America as a superpower.
THE MYSTERY OF THE EREZ TREE that was lowered at the corner of Ground Zero in fulfillment of a Biblical prophecy.
THE DAY A VICE-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE UTTERED the ancient proclamation of judgment… on America.
THE MYSTERY OF THE THREE WITNESSES and the prophetic message each one of them carried regarding the future of America.
AMERICA’S MYSTERY GROUND and the amazing prophetic message it contains for this hour.
HOW THE TWO GREATEST COLLAPSES IN FINANCIAL HISTORY each took place on the exact same day appointed in the biblical calendar to bring judgment on a nation’s financial realm.
Written by Cahn in riveting narrative style, the mysteries revealed in The Harbinger are so precise that they foretell recent American events down to the exact days… the 3,000-year-old mystery that revealed the exact date of the stock market collapse of 2008… the ancient prophecy that was proclaimed from the floor of the US Senate and then came true…and more. The revelations are so specific that even the most hardened skeptics are finding it hard to put the book down.
Pat Robertson, Founder and Chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network termed the book “extraordinary” during a January appearance by the author on CBN’s “The 700 Club.”
Media executive Joseph Farah of has expressed his intentions of bringing “The Harbinger” to wider audiences through a film documentary that explores Cahn’s in-depth connections of ancient prophecy to modern events. Commenting on the book, he termed it “stunning in its relevancy to recent history in America."
About the Author: Jonathan Cahn is known and respected nationally for his teachings on the explorations of biblical truth. He serves as Senior Pastor and Rabbi of the Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel located in Wayne, New Jersey and is president of Hope of the World Ministries.
New York Times best-selling author, Jonathan Cahn joined Charisma House
at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention (NRB) yesterday to
sign copies of The Harbinger (photo courtesy of Bryan Selzer).
Jonathan Cahn INTERVIEW with Dr. Michael Brown on 1/26/12!
Prophecy Depot with Bill Salus interviews
Jonathan Cahn (radio show) on Jan. 20th, click on "Listen Here" to hear
part 1 and part 2 of radio interview. God bless!
Jonathan Cahn and the Nine Harbingers: Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis PART 2 aired on Jan 15th!
Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | Jewish Voice Ministries International
Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | Jewish Voice Ministries International
9/11 prophecy book hits N.Y. Times bestseller list
The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That Holds The Secret of America’s Future, which just a few days earlier debuted at number 10 on the New York Times best-seller list was also designated No. 1 among Hot New Releases on Amazon. This book is breaking records in its short retail history. Get your copy today and find out why!
9/11 prophecy book hits N.Y. Times bestseller list
9/11 prophecy book hits N.Y. Times bestseller list

Shalom! Thank you for joining The Harbinger Blog site...we begin by apologizing for the delay in updates/post. We have been working on making this site as effective and informative as possible. Beginning this month of Jan'13 we will be updating this blog on an ongoing basis, please feel free to join in and share with others. Let us give God all the glory for all He has done and is for His name sake. God bless!
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